Lotus Point Wellness



Acupuncture helps to relieve symptoms of pain and helps to restore balance and harmony in our body, mind and spirit. It activates the natural self-healing abilities in the body and can strengthen and support the body to prevent
future illness.

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that has been practiced for over 3,000 years. These days, acupuncture is used by millions of people around the world to support their health and wellbeing. It’s a complete system of medicine and can be used to facilitate healing for people who experience a variety of conditions from chronic pain or migraines to gastritis or infertility to anxiety and depression.


Acupuncture can help you find relief from your symptoms and reach a state of inner balance. By using the principles of 5 elements Chinese medicine, we look for the root cause of your pain and work together to restore balance. We can uncover, together, what your body may be telling you and help your body to find its own healing powers.

During the Pandemic, Lotus Point Wellness is not offering Acupuncture.
If you are interested in Acupuncture, please contact Orna Amrani directly



Acupuncture stimulates channels of energy in the body. This energy is called Qi. Qi is the life force or the energy that flows through our body in channels called meridians. Qi flows through the meridians as an invisible current, energizing and nourishing every cell, tissue, organ and gland. When Qi flows smoothly, all of our systems can function properly and our body can easily heal. However, sometimes life events, emotions, habits of mind, exposure to strong climate or a particularly strong infection or big injury can create a blockage to that Qi. Over time, these blockages make it more difficult for Qi to flow and for the body to heal and stay well. Symptoms can arise. Through the insertion of very thin, solid, disposable sterile needles at certain points in the body, we can help the Qi to flow more smoothly thus bringing the body into balance so it can begin to heal itself.

When we restore balance, we treat the whole person not just one symptom or disease. While acupuncture works differently for everyone, some patients may observe multiple symptoms begin to clear or they also may experience less stress and a greater sense of well-being since acupuncture works on the body, mind and spirit levels. For instance, a patient seeking relief from migraines may not only notice shifts in their headaches but may also sleep better, may notice a strengthened immune system and a decreased sense of frustration and anxiety in daily life. Some patients may even feel that they have more vision about how to achieve their dreams; some will feel a deeper sense of gratitude or appreciation for the life they are living.

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